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They don't lurk in the dark with magnifying glasses, but despite their nonchalant appearances, they are some of the best eyes in the business. Found walking down the halls around the world, they are students, and most don't even know their potential as sleuths.

The Scholastic Crime Stoppers Program has taken them into incredible investigations capable of changing their institutions into safer, more enjoyable places to work and learn.

Started in 1983 by Officer Larry Wieda, the Scholastic Crime Stopper Programs first proved its success with
Fairview High School in Boulder Colorado. Since then, Officer Wieda has had numerous requests for information from educational institutions all over the U.S., Guam, Canada and England.

How it Works:

This internationally recognized program allows students to provide anonymous tips to the administration about crimes in the school. The students receive a monetary reward from $5 to $100 if the tip proves instrumental in solving the crime. This Scholastic Crime Stopper Program promotes school spirit, pride and responsibility and allows students to take action against victimization and crime.

This popular program is mostly found in high schools and junior high or middle schools, the university age students are now becoming increasingly familiar with the concept. The success of the program often depends directly upon the support of the school administration. The more encouragement and power the administration gives the students, the more successful the program is likely to be.

The program is student-operated. A board of directors composed of students is appointed to market and advertise the program, raise funds, review information about crimes and determine reward amounts. The members of the board never know who the victims, witnesses or suspects are. These identities are protected by an administrative liaison that is affiliated with the program.

Each school is encouraged to tailor the program to its specific needs. Logos, mottoes, fliers, by-laws and other aspects of the program may be structured to fit each institution.

The students are challenged to be creative in developing the program. Some schools have implemented crime stopper hot lines, billboards,
contest, video reenactments, designated crime stopper days and parades to disseminate their message that crime will no longer be tolerated. The only limits to the success of the program are those placed on it by the students and the administrators.

Your Abilene Campus Crime Stoppers Coordinators:

Derrick Franklin Coordinator
Daniel Henning Coordinator/Rover 

Abilene High School started 1991 Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477)


Jeremy Nell Coordinator
Cooper High School started 1992 Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477)

Brent Irby Coordinator
Wylie High School started 1999 Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477)

Wylie Jr. High started 2002 Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477)

David Cox Coordinator 
Mann Middle School started 1995 Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477)

Cody Brown Coordinator
Madison Middle School started 1995 Tips:(325) 676-TIPS (8477)

Cody Dikes Coordinator 
Craig Middle School started 2007 Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477)

Edward Cutbirth Coordinator
Re-Assignment Center started 1996 Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477)

Abilene ATEMS High School started 2013 Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477)

Cody Josselet Coordinator
Clack Middle School started 1995 Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477)

Abilene Campus Crime Stoppers Board of Directors a 25-member board, are students selected from the different campuses participating in the program. Abilene Campus Crime Stoppers is under the umbrella of the adult Crime Stoppers Program.

You're Taylor County Campus Crime Stoppers Coordinator:

Ty Hodges Coordinator
Trent & Jim Ned High & Middle Schools Started 2009
Tips: (325) 676-TIPS (8477).

Our campus programs have been very successful in helping to make our schools and classrooms a safer environment for our students to learn and become the leaders of tomorrow.








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When to Call

  • Maybe you overhear someone bragging about having committed a crime.
  • Maybe you know someone who is driving a stolen car...or is hiding from the police...or is a robber or drug dealer.
  • Or maybe you just see something that doesn't look right. A strange car. A person acting sneaky. Someone with a gun or knife.

If you aren't sure that what you saw or heard is really a crime, call anyway. Let the police decide if it's worth investigating. It may be a piece of a clue to a big crime.

Rewards are only paid out when your tip information actually helps to solve any unsolved felony crime, leading to an arrest and charges  filed on the person or person's responsible.  Rewards will not be paid out when the information is already known to the investigating agency or investigator.

YOUR TIP INFORMATION must play a key role in helping to solve any unsolved felony crime or the capture of a wanted felon.

Serving Abilene and Taylor County
since March 1981.
Please make a Tax Deductible
donation today!

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 All site content on Abilene Crime Stoppers website is copyrighted.  Any copying, use, or dissemination without prior written permission is prohibited by law.